Documentation for initialisation parameters of COP (V2.0)

File COP_Config.ini is read by gauge COP_Config.gau, and sets variables
for o.a. the gauges Ball.xml and CatLaunch.xml.
When the gauge is loaded, the variables are initialised to the values in
the [Floats] section; when the gauge is unloaded (when reloading an aircraft
or flight, or exiting FS9) the current values are saved for next time.
Note that the parameters are related to the gauge, NOT to a saved flight.

The [Lvars] section contains the L: variables definition, the [Floats] section
contains the related values.
So e.g. Lvar_03 has the value defined by Value_03.

To change the value of a parameter manually, simple replace the value of Value_**
in file COP_Config.ini.


- In COP_Config.ini ONLY edit the values of Value_** , nothing else !!!
- DONOT attempt to change COP_Config.ini while FS9 is running.
The changes you make will be lost !!!


Value_00=0. 0: Catapult lauch by releasing the Parking Brakes manually
1: Catapult lauch automatic, 5 seconds after ARMing the catapult
Value_01=1. 0: Sounds in the Meatball HUD are disabled.
1: enabled.
NOTE: can also be changed by clicking the Speaker symbol in the HUD.
Value_02=1. 0: the Approach Needles in the Meatball HUD are disabsled.
1: Enabled.
NOTE: can also be changed by clicking the ApproachNeedles symbol in the HUD.
Value_03=1. 0: The Meatball is disabled
1: Enabled
NOTE: can also be changed by clicking the Meatball symbol in the HUD.
Value_04=1. 0: the WaveOff procedure in the Meatball HUD is disabled.
1: Enabled
Value_05=0.5 The distance (in Nmiles) from the Arrester zone center, at which a decision
Waveoff or Proceed is taken (only if Value_04=1).
At this distance the Meatball should be Green. See Value_09, _10, _11 and _12.
Value_06=3. The approach angle (like Glideslope for an ILS) of the Arrester zones.
Value_07=8000. The scale of the V/S needle range in the HUD, in feet/min.
Example: for value 8000, the needle displays values from +4000 to -4000 ft/min,
relative to the actual target V/S
Allowed values: 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000.
NOTE: can also be changed by clicking the +/- area's of the ApproachNeedles symbol in the HUD.
Value_08=180. The scale of the Heading needle range in the HUD, in degrees.
Allowed values: 22.5, 45, 90, 180, 360.
NOTE: can also be changed by clicking the +/- area's of the ApproachNeedles symbol in the HUD.
Value_09=6. The horizontal scale of the Meatball range in the HUD, in degrees.
Value_10=3. The horizontal scale of the Meatball Threshold, in degrees.
The value must be smaller than Value_09, and defines the area in which the Meatball is Green.
Outside this range, the Meatball is Red.
Value_11=3. As Value_09, for the vertical range.
Value_12=1.5 As Value_11, for the vertical threshold.
Value_13=1. The last used Arrested zone; equals ** in [zone**] defined in file DSD_Arrester_Zones.ini

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